Join Mickela on a Bare Feet™ Tour to Bali, Indonesia!

We are thrilled to announce our next Bare Feet™ Tour to Bali, Indonesia in April 2014!  This 11-day/10-night experience will take you from the Keliki Village to the royal Water Palace to everything else in between as you experience dance, music, food, traditional culture, and the art of relaxation in gorgeous Indonesia.  Hosted at the state of the art Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat, you will not only learn the authentic dances of Bali, but you will also experience the most beautiful landscape Mother Nature has to offer. For more information, go to– book now for up to 40% off the full price, our Early Bird rates expire July 22nd, 2013!

Amed, Bali, Indonesia 2011. Balifornian Tours