Bare Feet Season 3 Launch Party
We celebrated the launch of the new #BareFeetSeries season at DROM, one of my favorite world music venues in NYC! The new season of Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi premieres on NYC Life Thursday, June 6th at 9:30pm with new episodes following weekly. Thank you to EVERYONE who came out to celebrate - family, friends, #BareFeetFans, our event sponsors WeAreinPuglia , Allianz Travel Insurance USA, and Tourism Ireland; our underwriters The Yuen Foundation, The Ann H. Symington Foundation, and Tourism Ireland; our presenting station NYC Media and the team of incredible women who work to make this series possible, our distributor APT, one of biggest station supporters Create TV, our editor Jonathan Rogers, the media, the travel community, the dance community, and of course the incredible performers Niall O'Leary & members of CGS Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino who got everyone up and dancing for the evening!

Mickela presenting a screening of Bare Feet Season 3 (photo by Shoot My Travel)
This evening brought everything full circle - DROM was a music venue I frequented to write posts for my then Bare Feet Blog at the beginning (circa 2011-2014), and to have all of these people come together to celebrate something that was created out of so much love, dedication, hard work, blood, sweat, and definitely lots of tears, HERE of all places where it was cultivated, was true magic. This was just so overwhelming for me to have everything come together in such perfect harmony.
Thank you to Shoot My Travel for capturing these magical moments from the evening (see all images below from the event - feel free to share your favorite moments and tag us at @TravelBareFeet & #BareFeetDNA)
This new season of Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi is dedicated in loving memory to Antonio Mallozzi, my Zio Tony - this #BareFeetDNA story is not only part of my story but also my family’s story and my Uncle Tony’s legacy.
-Mickela Mallozzi